Hissing Noise, Like Air Being Let Out Of a Tire or Ball

by Kris

The noise is heard when the condenser is turning off after heating the house. The hissing sounds like it is coming from either inside of the unit, or right near where the pipes connect into the condenser.

I have had problems with leaks in my system already and I am just hoping that this isn't another one.

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Jan 28, 2011
Sounds like...
by: Anonymous

That sounds like your defrost for your outdoor unit. Is will make a hissing sound any where from thirty to ninety minute, depending on what it is set for. This just makes sure that your outdoor unit doesn't freeze over and cause problems. If it stops working properly or is set to long between cycles you will notice and absence of the hissing noise plus possible ice covering your air unit. Hope this helps!

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