Condenser Rusted and Freon Leaked

by Christine

We bought our home 11 years ago which makes our York HVAC 22 years old. Our central air conditioner unit while old has worked well until a recent power outage. We had someone from our home warranty come out to diagnosis.

We were told the assembly rusted and allowed the Freon to leak. I was then told it was not covered because of the rust.

I don't know what's involved in replacing this part and recharging my system. Obviously I'll need to hire a professional but I'm concerned because this is my air conditioner/heat pump and its pretty old.

So my question is...If I don't fix this (and use window air conditioners as a temporary fix), will my heat still work? I would love to replace the whole thing but need about a year to do it.
Is it possible to replace just the unit outside?

I bought the warranty policy to help in the event I ever need to replace a large ticket item only to find out they have lots of conditions they won't cover. I really can't afford to replace the whole central ac and Heat pump but realize I'm perilously close to the time I need to.

Can anyone explain to me how this part would be fixed, average prices for the repair and how I then go about shopping for a new system next year.

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rust prevention possibilities??? NEW
by: Anonymous

Would spraying something like automotive undercoating on the whole condenser unit do anything to prevent the inevitable rusting problem???

Ocean Salt Rust Unit
by: Dadan

This is a Heat Pump unit, it needs a refrigerant to work. So, to answer your answers, your heating unit will not heat the house. The emergency heater will work without refrigerant. It?ll not heat your house to satisfying temperature.

It is fantastic if HVAC Company does replace rusty condenser coils. I do not know of any company in my area that does it.

It is time consuming to replace just the coils. The entire outside unit have to be replaced if a company agrees to replace it.

It is difficult to find condenser unit for a 22 years old heat pump. A HVACs company may recommend that you replace the entire Heat Pump unit.

The reason is:

You Heat Pump unit is using R-22 refrigerant, which is phase-out. The newer refrigerant is R410a.

Newer Heat Pump unit will be energy efficient than a 22 years old hvac units.

You will need to shop for HVACs contractor and call for free estimation. Try not to focus so much on the top brand out there. Focus on contractor.

Here is a saying

In real estate, it is all about location, location and in HVACs field, it all about contractor, contractor.

Here is an estimation list of central ac cost and tell us about contractor in your area: hvac contractor

Hope I answer your question



Near an ocean, the condenser unit will always rust. You need to clean it twin a year to prevent it from rusting. (It is good practice)

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