Central Air Conditioner Not Staying Cool

by Nathan M
(Richmond, Va. USA)

When I turn my central air conditioner unit on it comes on and cool air comes out, but after 30 to 45 min, it stops blowing cool air but blows room temperature air.

I called an air conditioning technician and he said I need a super boost start cap (hard start kit) for the compressor. What is that? He also said there are tight bearings in the compressor. What could cause that to happen when the pressure is good?

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Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Thesis and assignment are used and utilized for the betterment and permanent creation of the dissertations writing service skills. It is very necessary and inquisitive. Its need and requirement is prompted and used in perfect and productive manner.

I need few weeks
by: Dadan

Yes, Freon is once of the problem. Central air unit not cooling could be from a lot thing. I will need time to write everything down.


Air is Blowing but just cool air not cold
by: Matt

Hi, I have a York model #P3UCD20N0910A. I moved into my house back in 1998 and the Central Ac Unitswas already there. So, it was working for at least 10 years. About two years ago the fan on it stops working and there was no more cold air.

I really didn't know anything about Central air conditionerso I left It alone. Just recently I decided to take a look at it. If I turn the thermostat on, everything in the house would work but just not cold air. so i went outside and gave the fan a spin manually and it would work. I went online an looked for info and was told that it was the capacitor.

I just change it today, and now when I turn it on the fan will work by itself now. The air in the house seems to be cool but not cold enough to cool down the house. Maybe as cold as a regular house fan would be. Please help.

Since the central air conditioning unit was just sitting there for two years, could it be that it need Freon, or did the compressor die when the capacitor did too. any info will be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

by: Anonymous

My Central aircondition keeps running but has stop cooling and now just blowing room tempeture on and off.

no more cool air
by: Anonymous

Why do my cool air comes out for about a month or two and it stops blowing out cool air?

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