Central AC The Blower Motor Keeps On Shutting Off.

by Iwan T
(newtown, ct /usa)

I have had Ann Oil Company going to a house to fix a problem with the blower motor, it keeps on shutting down, they kept use a new excuse each time. I replaced the motor with a new 1725 rpm motor and the same thing happens.

the motor shows to draw 6 amps and then goes up to 20.6 amps and heats up and then the limit switch turns it off until it cools down and the cycle goes on. It kept freezing the pipes and evaporator up. All the ducts are clean, filters are clean, and evaporator is clean.

In my opinion the problem is with the bearings in the blower unit, either a damaged one or pieces jamming up, could even be that some are completely dissolved and running the rest will compact and then building up the resistance.

The oil company keeps on lubricating them, and not doing anything except running a bill up!
This is just some of the things that they neglected to do, but I will not go in to that. Now my question is that the blower should come out and then checked and tested and probably needs new bearings.

Can i get bearings for this blower unit or do I have to get a new blower unit. For some reason this blower unit will cause a real problem to take out, since there are no scews/bolts it looks as if it is on a bent over type of sheetmetal like a rail.

Can I bent this metal out on one side and then remove the blower/the opposite site of the pulley since there is the least resistance if it is in use and would leave the other rail intact?
Thanks and please advice.... this is probably one for the books

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